Single-edge-notch bending, also known as SENB (ASTM D5045-14), is a test method used to evaluate the fracture toughness of plastic materials by determining the critical strain energy at which the crack propagates in the material.
Why Single-edge-notch Bending Testing?
This test methods are designed to characterize the toughness of plastics and core materials in terms of the critical-stress-intensity factor, KIc, and the energy per unit area of crack surface or critical strain energy release rate, GIc, at fracture initiation.
The fracture toughness of materials – fx. sandwich core materials as shown in the photo – is a critical structural characteristic just as important as stiffness and static strength.
As the wind industry shift away from the conventional (and less sustainable) core materials, the need to assess the characteristics of more sustainable core materials is growing. This is were the SENB is applied.